Saturday, March 26, 2011

Boo, I miss you.

Knickers or Trousers - "Mommy Blog"

Looking at these pictures makes my heart ache a little. I miss Boo at this age so, so much. When I tell The Hubs he gives me a look of, "You are a very strange person, and you have my pity." But I do! And I can't help it.

I miss that chubby baby fat. Those teency little stubby toes. Those giant curls. OH, how I miss those curls! I miss those rompers! If I could dress Boo in a giant romper now and not come across as a crazy lady or worry I was causing him severe psychological damage, I would. They are my absolute favorite. I'm pretty sure I made Boo wear them until he was much too old. And I'm so happy I did. I miss those babbles and "Mama." I miss the wobbly walking and outstretched arms to be held.

It's weird that you can miss someone who isn't gone. But each stage of their lives represents such a significant part it almost seems like a different person. I ACHE for this stage. This is why people keep having kids. So we can relive these amazing moments over and over. We forget about the hard parts and remember the magical. That is what is so great about the human brain. our memories last a lifetime and when some fade and become less vivid, we have pictures. Thank goodness for pictures.

I just hope I cherished that age enough. We just never know what life has in store for us down the road.

Eat up those moments!


Anna said...

Amen! They just grow so fast! (But that's one nice thing about having a preemie--they're smaller for longer.)

Carina Schoen said...

Great reminder and what a CUTIE! Oh my goodness.

Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday and for the awesome comments! I am in, let's be friends. I can't wait to catch up on more of your story!

cindy said...

just think how i feel! i miss him and can't just sneak in at various moments for a quick peek. he is just to fab for words!

Briawna said...

i miss my kids as babies, too. ronell says i pamper teya but i'm just trying to hang onto my baby while i can. i love rompers, too. i seem to remember how traumatic cutting off those curls was for you.

Alicia said...

I understand how you feel completely. I miss the smaller Gloria. I love the bigger one, too. But I feel like I'll never see that smaller version again. Boo hoo.

Cristy said...

Great! Now I am crying! I know EXACTLY what you mean.

Suzanne said...

I love that age! My little guy is now 10! Ouch, but I did savor all those precious days! Thanks for sharing Kelli!

knickers or trousers "mommy blog"
Credit: Header photos by Jessica Kettle Photography.